On this page
WebQuote supports 29 quote statuses, as described below:
Color | ID | Status Name | Description | Page/Section of Initiation | Action that Caused it |
Red | 28 |
Creating |
Internal status used at the time of quote creation. |
Add Opportunity page |
Quote creation. |
Blue | 1 |
RFQ open - Pending Intel review |
The RFQ is open. It was successfully submitted and is awaiting review by Intel. |
Add Opportunity page |
Disti or FSE user created and submitted a quote. Also it is moved to this status after Division escalation on initial quote request. |
White | 2 |
RFQ open - Intel rejected |
The RFQ is open. It was rejected by Intel and reassigned to the Disti. |
Intel Response to Quote section |
Geo Approver selected RFQ Rejected radio button and clicked the Save button. |
Green | 3 |
RFQ open - Incomplete |
The RFQ is open. It was marked as incomplete by Intel and reassigned to the Disti, who may update and resubmit it. |
Intel Response to Quote section |
Geo Approver selected RFQ Incomplete radio button and clicked the Save button. |
Blue | 4 |
RFQ open - Resubmitted by Disti |
The RFQ is open. It was previously marked as incomplete or rejected by Intel. It has been updated by the Disti and resubmitted for Intel review. |
Intel Response to Quote section |
Disti or FSE user modified the quote [Quantity, Date MMID, etc.] and resubmitted it. The quote had been in a Rejected or Incomplete status. |
Purple | 5 |
RFQ open - Pending further Intel approval |
The RFQ is open. It is awaiting further Intel approval. |
Intel Response to Quote section |
Geo Approver selected RFQ Pending Further Intel Approval radio button and clicked the Save button. |
Blue | 21 |
RFQ open - Pending Intel action |
The RFQ is open. It is currently being reviewed by Intel. |
Intel Response to Quote section |
Geo Approver selected RFQ Rejected radio button and clicked the Save button. |
Blue | 29 |
RFQ Open - Hold Pending Customer Win |
The RFQ is open. It is currently on hold pending a customer win. |
Escalated Quote Response section |
Division approved quote having Quote Type=IA Server and Internal Quote Justification=Tender |
Yellow | 22 |
RFQ Draft |
The RFQ was saved, but has not been submitted to Intel. |
Add Opportunity page |
Disti or FSE user created the quote and clicked the Save Draft button. |
White | 19 |
Budgetary Pricing |
The Disti's request for Budgetary Pricing was actioned by Intel. |
Intel Response to Quote section |
Geo Approver selected the Budgetary Pricing radio button and clicked the Save button. |
Red | 20 |
Closed - Budgetary Pricing |
The Disti's request for Budgetary Pricing was actioned by Intel and auto-closed. |
N/A (Auto status movement) |
N/A (Auto status movement) |
Green | 6 |
DPQ open - RFQ reviewed pending Disti acceptance |
The DPQ/RFQ is open. It was accepted by Intel and is awaiting Disti approval or rejection. |
N/A (Auto status movement) |
N/A (Auto status movement) |
Red | 7 |
DPQ closed - Disti rejected |
The DPQ has been closed. It was rejected by the Disti. |
Disti Response section |
Disti or FSE user clicked the Reject DPQ radio button and clicked the Save button. |
Red | 8 |
DPQ closed - Expired |
The DPQ has been closed. It had been open for more than 30 days without Disti approval or rejection. |
N/A (Auto status movement) |
N/A (Auto status movement) |
Blue | 9 |
DPQ open - Disti accepted |
The DPQ is open. It was accepted by the Disti and is pending update by Intel to DPA. |
Disti Response section |
Disti or FSE user clicked the Accept DPQ radio button and clicked the Save button. |
Blue | 18 |
DPQ Open - Resubmitted by Disti |
The DPQ is open. It had previously been approved by Intel and has been resubmitted by the Disti. |
RFQ View or Opportunity View |
Disti or FSE user modified the quote and clicked the Save button to resubmit it. |
Blue | 24 |
DPQ open - Pending SAP create |
The DPQ is open. It was created by Intel and is pending update by Intel to DPA. |
Intel Response to Quote section |
Geo Approver clicked the DPQ Pending SAP Create radio button and clicked the Save button. |
Pink | 25 |
DPQ open - Pending Intel review |
The DPQ is open. It is awaiting further review by Intel. |
N/A (Auto status movement) |
N/A (Auto status movement) |
White | 10 |
DPA open - Created in SAP |
The DPA is open. It was changed from a DPQ to a DPA by Intel. |
N/A (Auto status movement) |
N/A (Auto status movement) |
White | 27 |
VDPA Open - Virtual DPA Open in WebQuote |
The VDPA is open. It was changed from a DPQ to a VDPA by Intel via WebQuote and updated by Intel. |
Intel Response to Quote section |
Geo Approver clicked the RFQ Approved radio button and clicked the Save button. |
Blue | 11 |
DPA open - Disti requests update - Pending Intel review |
The DPA is open. A Disti request to change the quantity and/or expiry dates was submitted and is awaiting Intel review. |
DPA Maintenance section |
Disti or FSE user entered data into the Extra and/or New fields and clicked the Save button. |
Purple | 26 |
DPA Open - Update pending further Intel approval |
The DPA is open. A Disti request to change the quantity and/or expiry dates was submitted and is awaiting further Intel approval. |
Intel Response to Quote section |
Geo Approver escalated the quote to Division by selecting the RFQ Pending Further Intel Approval radio button and clicked the Save button. |
Green | 12 |
DPA open - Update reviewed, pending Disti acceptance |
The DPA is open. The Disti request to change the DPA quantity and/or expiry date has been approved by Intel, and is awaiting Disti acceptance. |
Intel Response to Quote section |
Geo Approver clicked the RFQ Approved radio button and clicked the Save button. |
Blue | 13 |
DPA open - Update accepted by Disti |
The DPA is open. The Disti request to change the DPA quantity and/or expiry date has been approved by Intel, and has been accepted by the Disti. |
DPA Maintenance section |
Disti or FSE user clicked the Disti Accepts Update radio button and clicked the Save. |
White | 14 |
DPA open - Update expired |
The DPA is open. Changes requested by the Disti and approved by Intel went more than 30 days with no Disti acceptance. The DPA update has expired. |
N/A (Auto status movement) |
N/A (Auto status movement) |
White | 15 |
DPA open - Update rejected by Disti |
The DPA is open. Changes requested by the Disti were approved by Intel but rejected by the Disti. The DPA is still within the validity period. |
DPA Maintenance section |
Disti or FSE user clicked the Disti Rejects Update radio button and clicked the Save button. |
White | 16 |
DPA open - Intel rejected DPA update |
The DPA is open. An update requested by the Disti was rejected by Intel. The DPA is still within the validity period. |
DPA Maintenance section |
Geo Approver checked the Intel Reject Extra Quantity and/or the Intel Reject New DPA Expiry Date boxes and clicked the Save button. |
White | 23 |
DPA open - Update created in SAP |
The DPA is open. It was changed from a DPQ to a DPA by Intel, following a Disti update request. |
N/A (Auto status movement) |
N/A (Auto status movement) |
Red | 17 |
DPA Closed |
The DPA was closed because the validity period has passed. |
N/A (Auto status movement) |
N/A (Auto status movement) |
In the Quote List, colors are used to identify the general status for each quote. Here is a simple definition of what each color means:
Color | Description |
Blue | The quote creator has actioned the quote and is waiting for Intel to respond. It is Intel's call for action. |
Green | Intel has responded to the quote and action is therefore required. |
Pink | The quote has been sent to SAP, however was returned in error and was not fully processed. The Geo Approver needs to review the quote for error correction. |
Purple | The quote has been escalated. Further Intel approval is required. |
Red | The quote has been closed and thus can no longer be edited. |
Yellow | A quote has been created then saved in a draft. These quotes will not be visible to internal users. |
White | No action is required by either Intel or the quote creator. The quote can stay at this status until it closes. |
WebQuote supports 16 quote types. Here is a brief description of each quote type:
Type | Description |
Broad Channel Deal |
MMBP initiated, temporary price reduction on product with no market segment or end customer requirements due to new product introduction, an opportunity to gain share without officially dropping CAP, specific meetcomp needs, or excess/opportunistic inventory |
Budgetary Pricing |
Request for estimated pricing for forecasted product needs (this is an estimate only, no DPAs will be awarded) |
Contract |
Request for special pricing from an already-negotiated contract. |
Design Win Exception |
Request for special pricing above and beyond what was awarded with an approved Design Win registration. |
Design Win Meet Competition |
Request for special pricing due to competitive bidding plus an approved Design Registration. Competitive information fields are mandatory upon the Disti selecting this quote type and an approved Design Registration must be in place for the distributor requesting this quote type. |
Design Win Registration |
Request for special pricing awarded with an approved Design Win registration. |
IA-Disti Rebate Equalization |
Request to equalize OEM pricing with rebates being offer to channel customers buying through authorized distributors. |
IA-Pullin - Meetcomp |
Request to allow for an earlier effective pricing date in order to allow the customer to have finished products on retailer shelves in time for a planned price move. |
Request to offer limited quantities of product to customers free-of-charge for sampling or meetcomp purposes. |
I-A Tender |
Request for quote that emulates the mandatory requirements of IA Meetcomp fields. Upon Division approval, quote will move into RFQ Open - Hold Pending Customer Win status. Not available to Disti users. |
Lump-Sum Exception to Customer Authorized Pricing. Used for meetcomp programs that are paid out as a lump sum rather than as a line item ECAP since the discount is applied across multiple products. Used only on an exception basis. |
Meet Competition |
Request for special pricing due to competitive bidding. Competitive information fields are mandatory upon the Disti selecting this quote type. |
Non-IA-Tender |
Request for quote that emulates the mandatory requirements of IA Meetcomp fields. Upon division approval, quote will move into RFQ Open - Hold Pending Customer Win status. |
Promotion |
Request for special pricing due to a promotional event (e.g., Floor Days). |
Volume |
Request for special pricing due to volume of product requested. |
Other |
Request for special pricing that doesn't fit into any other quote type provided (e.g., Government or Education pricing). |
Updated: 15-May-2013 12:58