Tips for Using Filters Effectively Print This Page

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Tips for using Filters

Filter Examples

Tips for using Filters


Filter Examples

Filter Entry Returns Each Quote that...

Customer Name  =  Cisco

...has a Customer Name of Cisco

Customer Name  =  Cisco; Dell

...has a Customer Name of Cisco or Dell

Customer Name  =  Cis*

...has a Customer Name beginning with "Cis" (Cisco, Cisalpino, etc.)

Customer Name  =  *cisco

...has a Customer Name ending with "isco" (Cisco, Francisco, etc.)

Customer Name  <>  Cisco

...does not have a Customer Name of Cisco



Approved Quantity  =  20

...has an Approved Quantity of exactly 20

Approved Quantity  >  20

...has an Approved Quantity of more than 20

Approved Quantity  >=  20

...has an Approved Quantity of 20 or more

Approved Quantity  <  20

...has an Approved Quantity of less than 20

Approved Quantity  <=  20

...has an Approved Quantity of 20 or less



Creation Date = 01 Apr 2009

...was created on April 1, 2009

Creation Date < 01 Apr 2009

...was created before April 1, 2009

Creation Date > 01 Apr 2009

...was created after April 1, 2009

Creation Date <> 01 Apr 2009

...was not created on April 1, 2009

Creation Date >= 01 Apr 2009

...was created on or after April 1, 2009

Creation Date <= 01 Apr 2009

...was created on or before April 1, 2009




...pertains to Asia Pacific (APAC) region


...pertains to APAC or Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) Regions


...does not pertain to Japan region (IJKK)

GEO  =  A*

...pertains to APAC or ASMO (Americas) region



End Customer Name = BLANK

...does not have an entry in the End Customer Name field

End Customer Name = <BLANK>

...does not have an entry in the End Customer Name field

End Customer Name = NULL

...does not have an entry in the End Customer Name field

End Customer Name = <NULL>

...does not have an entry in the End Customer Name field

End Customer Name <> BLANK

...has an entry in the End Customer Name field

End Customer Name <> <BLANK>

...has an entry in the End Customer Name field

End Customer Name <> NULL

...has an entry in the End Customer Name field

End Customer Name <> <NULL>

...has an entry in the End Customer Name field


Updated: 15-May-2013 12:58