On this page
Adding Search Results ("Joining" Searches)
Expanding Searches to Include Archived Data
Viewing Delegate and Intel-Created Quotes (Disti)
Within Quote List, you can press the Search button and retrieve every quote. However, using filters enables you to reduce the quote displayed to only those that meet the criteria you set. In the Filter by section of the Quote List, you can create up to ten filters for temporary searches.
Tips for
Using Filters Effectively
Step | Actions |
1 |
In the Field/attribute and Qualifier drop down lists, select a field and a qualifier, respectively. Then, enter criteria into the Criteria field and click the Search button. For example, the following filter limits the search to opportunities whose MM Number is greater than or equal to 903000: |
2 |
To narrow the search, and more criteria. For example the following search filter limits the search to opportunities whose MM Number is greater than or equal to 903000, and the Customer Country is either Canada or China. Some fields, including Customer Country, can be populated via a drop down check box list accessed via clicking the Show Available Values icon located to the left of the eraser: Selecting the options via the drop down check box list ensures proper spelling and can greatly reduce the time needed to enter the information manually. Check the box(es) pertaining to the appropriate item(s), then check the close box in the upper right corner of the drop down check box list.
3 |
To sort the lines of the Quote List, click the column header. A small orange arrow identifies the column used for the sort, as well as the sort direction. For example, the following indicates that the Quote List has been sorted by the Opportunity ID column, in descending order: Likewise, the following indicates that the Quote List has been sorted by the Opportunity ID column, in ascending order. In the Opportunity ID column, one line item contains an asterisk and is displayed in red type. This indicates that other line items in the opportunity do not meet the search criteria. (For example, the MM Numbers for the other line items might be below 903000). |
4 |
To view more lines on a page, adjust the Show per page setting. The default is 25 lines per page, but can be set to 50, 75 or 100 lines per age. |
5 |
To move to other pages, use the drop-down list or the navigation buttons. |
The search you created is temporary and will be erase if you navigate away from the Quote List without saving it. To save the search criteria, do the following:
Step | Actions |
1 |
In the Filter by section, click the Save Search button. |
2 |
In the popup window, enter a name for the search and click the OK button, in this example, 903KPlus_Canada_China. |
3 |
The 903KPlus_Canada_China search name becomes displayed
in the drop down list, indicating that it has been saved
and has been designated as the current search.
To modify a search you have saved, do the following:
Step | Actions |
1 |
In the Quote List, click the Current Search link |
2 |
The search will be opened in the Customizing your Quote List page, which provides the capability to make changes like modifying the search's field columns and their display order and sort order. |
The Add Search Results section of the Quote List, located to the right of the Search, Save Search and Clear Filters buttons, provides the capability to "join" a search (cause it to function as an OR operator) with already-existing searches. (It is also possible to use the Customize Quote List form to join searches.)
Versus Joined Searches
Step | Actions |
1 |
Go to the Add Search Results section, which lists the names of the searches (other than the search displayed). |
2 |
To join a search to the search being displayed, check the box pertaining to the name of the search. For example, checking the box for the ApprovedQty1000Plusanada_Customer search, the results will display quotes that either have (MMID greater than 902999 and Customer Country of Canada or China) or an Approved Quantity of more than 999. |
3 |
To save the joined search, click the Save Search button, then click the Save Search button. |
The Include Archives box, located beneath the Add Search Results section of the Quote List, provides the capability to expand the search to include archived data.
Step | Actions |
1 |
In the Quote List, check the Include Archives box and click the Search button. |
2 |
In the right side of the Quote List, archived quotes are identified by the Archived listing in the Comments column. |
Once a Geo Approver has granted you delegate access to another Disti's quotes, when you log into a new WebQuote session, you will be able to access the quotes, as follows:
Step | Actions |
1 |
Open the Quote List and enter the desired search criteria. |
2 |
Beneath the Quick ID Search field, locate the View Quotes For text and the drop down box to its right. |
3 |
Select the appropriate option, as follows:
4 |
When you click the Search button to begin the search, the results will be displayed according the option selected. |
Updated: 15-May-2013 12:58